A movie that I love

A movie that I love is Coppola's "Rumble Fish", I really love
that movie; all the daydream aesthetics on it work so good. To me, watch
the movie is like a sensorial experience, but thats not the only reason because
I love the movie.
In my own biography "Rumble Fish" has a lot of significations,
is weird, but my mom and my uncles create a kind of simbolism around the movie.
They see themselves in the movie characters. The Motorcycle Boy is
the older brother ( who died two years ago, so you can imagine all the emotions
around the movie), Rusty James is my younger uncle, he is very
very similar to the character in a physical and in a mental way. That's why I
love the movie, I could talk about it all day because is a beautiful movie whit
a lot of meanings for me.
"A movie that I hate" is a hard question, I think a
intentionally forget about the bad movies, not forget like a erase in my
mind, but dont think a lot about it. But, if a make the exercise, I remember
all the movies I went to see whit hig expectations and leave the cinema theater
full of disappointment. The last time it happens was like a month ago, I went
to see "The death of the sacred deer" by Yorgos Lanthimos. The
disapponitment was because his previous movies were really good (Canine, the
lobster), and this one was awful. The movie has no beauty on it; in general the
director works with akward situations, situations full of anguish , but
in a very smart way, whit a lot of levels of narrations and simbolism, this
time was pure awfulness and a bad story.
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