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Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2018
My  opinion about the use of blogs in the English class I think is a very useful tool to us to lear English, and try to express ourselves  by writting is a big challenge, sometimes I think in something to say or write about, but I don't know the words, so I start to look aways to say it, and that means I start learning vocabulary and new expresions or another ways to say what I mean. Another thing I like about using the blog in English class is the topics that you propose, I really enjoyed writing about an important picture ("every picture tells a story") or writting about the cinematic potencial of Santiago city ("Santiago from my study program's point of view") and another topics. It makes me look for information or think about things I didn't write about before.
A career-related article I choose the next article: "  Oscar winning Chilean actress speaks of transgender inequalities", I think this article is very important related to my career, because we can see how the cinema can have an impact in the society.  When the Chilean Movie  "A Fantastic Woman" wins foreign language film Oscar, everyone starts questioning about the transgender laws in Chile. The article talks about The words of Daniela Vega after meeting the president Michelle Bachelet.   S he spoke of the inequalities transgender people face in our country.  We have seen a lot of people talking about the topics because the movie, and is great, there is a lot of different points of view around the debate and is great. The team winner of the oscar have said a lot of times they don't were looking for that kind of reaction from the audience and the people in general, and thats the point, the people started the movement.  LINK:  https...
       EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY Sebastian and Luciano, March 2017.   I'm going to write about a the story behind this picture. I like this picture because it was taken at the end of the summer of the 2017, I was visiting my friend  Sebastian,  we  meet in the  neighbourhood  years back and we are friends since we were 13 yearls old. He leaves Santiago  to study in Buenos Aires, and the summer of the 2017 we made a road trip making auto-stop  from Santiago to Buenos Aires. We stay one week the place he rents in Buenos Aires and then we continue traveling to Uruguay. We travel a lot,  we know a lot of places and people, it was great , always  making auto-stop and making  the money  last the most possible. We arrive to a carnival in Uruguay, those were very crazy days, drinking and smoking a lot, and visiting beautiful beaches. We have a lot of adventures, we make great friends ...
A movie that I love A movie that I love is Coppola's "Rumble Fish", I really love that movie;  all the daydream aesthetics on it  work so good. To me, watch the movie is like a sensorial experience, but thats not the only reason because I love the movie.  In my own biography "Rumble Fish" has a lot of significations, is weird, but my mom and my uncles create a kind of simbolism around the movie. They see themselves in the movie characters.  The Motorcycle Boy  is the older brother ( who died two years ago, so you can imagine all the emotions around the movie),  Rusty James  is my younger uncle, he is very very similar to the character in a physical and in a mental way. That's why I love the movie, I could talk about it all day because is a beautiful movie whit a lot of meanings for me.  "A movie that I hate" is a hard question, I think a intentionally  forget about the bad movies, not forget like a erase in my mind...