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Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2018
Hello! Im going to talk about my favorite piece of technology: my old Cassette-corder Sony Clear Voice.  Is a cassette  player/recorder, it was from my mom, she used to work as a journalist in the 80's and the early 90's,  and she recorded the interviews with this little and useful machine.  I found it in a box with old stuff when I was a little child, I used to listen to old punk cassettes and a lot of unknown chilean underground bands. I listened to "Los Jorobados", "Supersordo", "Pog", even "Los Fiscales Had-ok"; it was awesome to have all those cassettes.  I start stealing the cassettes from my Grandmas house, I still one of Juan Gabriel and other of Camilo Sesto. I used to listen music with the cassette, but somethimes when I have a virgin Cassette y recorded stuff, I spend hours recording,  it was like playing with the sounds.   I stoped using it when I become a bit older, In the Higschool I used a MP3 and I slowly f...
An interview with Margarita Fuenzalida When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up ? when i was five  i wanted to be a doctor,  then I wanted to be a dancer or a english teacher, and  then I wanted to be a dancer and then an actress. I Change my idea  because i was a very indecisive kid, now I still very indecisive. If you could be another person, who would you be? Maybe a model, so i can have all the cool clothes from Versace and  Gucci. I also want to be Michelle Bachelet because she's so cool and hates piñera. what is your favorite person in the universe? my mom, bercause she's incredible, she's funny and smart and she coocks an amazing rise cake. And here in icei is Luis Terrazas, because we spend a great time together. what is your favorite meme? I dont really have a favorite one, but I like the ones with dogs doing stuff. what is your favorite movie? Rigth now is one called  "the florida pro...